Presents a number of abstracts of research articles on social work profession. Includes `Social Work and the News Media,' by M. Aldridge from the `British Journal of Social Work' dated December 1990; `What Is Unique About Social Work: A Brief Think Piece,' by S. Frankel from `The ...
Median raphe region GABAergic neurons contribute to social interest in mouseTiago Chaves a bBibiána Trk a bCsilla Lea Fazekas a bPedro Correia a bEszter Sipos aDorottya Várkonyi akos Hellinger aDogu Erk aDóra Zelena a c
Erkfritz-Gay, Karyn N.Knight, JessicaLancaster, Blake M.Kupzyk, Kevin A.taylorChildrens Health CareMathews, T. L., Erkfritz-Gay, K. N., Knight, J., Lancaster, B. M., & Kupzyk, K. A. (2013). The effects of social skills training on children with autism spectrum disorders and ...
In mammals, the extended amygdala is a neural hub for social and emotional information processing. In the rat, the extended amygdala receives inhibitory GABAergic projections from the nucleus incertus...doi:10.1007/s00429-018-1763-5Albert-Gasco, Hector...
doi:10.1007/s00429-018-1763-5Hector Albert-GascoSandra Sanchez-SarasuaSherie MaCristina García-DíazAndrew L. GundlachAna M. Sanchez-PerezFrancisco E. Olucha-BordonauSpringer
Central RXFP3-A2, but not vehicle, infusion, disrupted the capacity to discriminate between a familiar and novel conspecific subject, but did not alter differentiation between a conspecific and an inanimate object. Subsequent studies revealed that agonist-infused rats displayed increased phosphoERK(pERK...
The results indicate that most of the indicators were considered to have a high level of importance. However, these indicators are not as influential in decision-making as their importance suggests they should be. Currently, only 26% of the indicators are being measured by the companies, ...
International Journal of Geo-Information Article User-Generated Geographic Information for Visitor Monitoring in a National Park: A Comparison of Social Media Data and Visitor Survey Vuokko Heikinheimo 1,*, Enrico Di Minin 1,2, Henrikki Tenkanen 1, Anna Hausmann 1,2, Joel Erkkonen 3 and ...
This study adopts computational content analysis [16,17] for understanding themes or topics from CSR-related conversations in the Twitter-sphere, the largest microblogging social media platform. Computational content analysis, a big data analytics method, is suitable to process big text data and ...