登录Snapchat 和你的好友聊天、发送 Snap 以及视频通话。观看故事和聚光灯,所有这些都可以在电脑上完成。 用户名或电子邮件地址 改用电话号码登录 在寻找这个应用?请到这里下载。故事 Spotlight 聊天 特效镜头 Snapchat+ 下载探索Snapchat 上的故事 发现热门 Snap 创作者的最新故事。
View Snaps Story Anonymously. Snap Saver Save your snaps free and unlimited. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) How can I save Snapchat stories anonymously? You can easily save Snapchat stories without notifying the user by using our Snapchat Story Saver. ...
『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 提升Snapchat曝光率!前5个Story view特惠。确保设置公开,删除旧Story,新订单生效。限前20个Story view。购买Snapchat自动赞、增粉服务,享受低价刷粉。立即下单,链接:【请输入Snapchat用户名】 - Snapchat刷粉低价 便宜facebook粉丝网
Story Kit includes aGraphQLAPI service that lets partners search Snapchat Stories by location, time, caption, media type, official username, and more. Browse this repo for guidance on using the Story Kit API. Getting started Create the private key:$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey...
View Instagram and Snapchat stories from social media after they've disappeared! All the latest celebrity stories and social media posts and news! Database of celebrities and famous people, including all their latest social media posts on Instagram, Inst
A Story is a collection of Snaps that play in the order they were taken. You can view your friends’ Stories an unlimited number of times for 24 hours ⏰ To see how your friend’s day is going, go check in on their Story on top of theStoriesScreen!
To view a snap from a friend or a public story, simple steps guide your experience: Access Chat Screen: Open your Snapchat app and swipe left to reach the Chat screen. Select Friend: Tap on any friend’s name; this action opens their chat window where you can view their sent snaps. ...
But like other social network apps, Snapchat also foreshows some cons. The major one being set-limit of 10 seconds. With this, the recipient can only view the pics or videos for that duration. When that time elapses, you'll need to recover deleted Snapchat memories on your Android devic...
How to View Someone’s Snapchat Story Anonymously (Without Notifying Them) Here, we will teach you how to view Snapchat stories anonymously in only a few steps! Step 1:Open the Snapchat app and sign in using your credentials. Step 2:Go to the bottom right corner of the screen and pres...
You’ve created a Snapchat Story, and now you want to view it or show someone else. It is actually rather simple to view your Story, but it does take a few steps. Open the Snapchat App on your phone and tap on your circle icon in the upper left-hand corner. ...