Topic: SN1/SN2 Reactions (Read 11238 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. OpenIntro Guest SN1/SN2 Reactions « on: November 09, 2004, 01:55:06 PM » What would the major products of the following reactions be? And would they proceed by SN1 or SN2?1-bromo...
5. The Effect of Substrate On The Rate of SN1 and SN2 Reactions The dependence of the rate of the SN1 oncarbocation stabilityand the rate of the SN2 onsteric hindrancemeans that the trends of their reaction rates with primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl halides proceeds in opposite direct...
WARNING: Solvent-Separated Ion Pair concept is somewhat advanced. It can be simply explained by your professor might not require you to have knowledge of it. Only moderate to severe organic chemistry nerds should proceed. Hi everybody, just wanted to give out a quick tip when looking at SN1...
On the other hand, Sn1 reactions are unimolecular in rate of reaction and have a step-wise mechanism. This process first involves bond cleavage by the LG to generate a carbocation intermediate.The stability of carbocation formation will determine if Sn1 or Sn2 reactions occur.In the second step...