HiSilicon Kirin 9000s (SMIC 7nm, n+2) Transistor Characterization AnalysisShare This PostThis report presents key DC electrical characteristics for logic NMOS and PMOS transistors located in the CPU1 region of the HiSilicon Kirin 9000s, Hi36A0 GFCV120 application processor die. The HiSilicon Kirin...
但是它的track height(或者叫tracks,轨道高度)只有6,远小于友商10nm制程的8.x,台积电的n7或者三星5lpe才实现了这个高度缩放,同时还使用了dtco和sdb,这都是n7所没有的。得益于高度缩放和sdb的应用 在密度方面smic实现了89mtr的hd逻辑密度,非常接近三星7euv和n7综合来讲smic的“初代7nm”可能是受限于材料和技术...
“Discovering a Kirin chip using SMIC’s 7nm (N+2) foundry process in the new Huawei Mate 60 Pro smartphone demonstrates the technical progress China’s semiconductor industry has been able to make without EUV lithography tools,” said Dan Hutcheson, Vice Chair of TechInsights. “The difficulty...
加拿大渥太华的Techlnsights实验室进行了芯片工艺的分析,初步的结论是采用了SMIC N+2 7nm 工艺! 2023年9月3日,位于加拿大渥太华的Techlnsights实验室收到了手机。Techlnsights的工程和技术团队迅速展开对这款手机进行了彻底的拆解,最主要的是海思科技9000s。9000s的出现引发了广泛关注,因为这意味着已经在半导体设计工...
Chinese foundry on 7nm before Intel? You would have called me crazy had i said this 5 years ago. It's not 7nm, it's 7nm class, hence why they call it N+1. In other words, it's something like 10-14nm which SMIC claims performs similar to 7nm. T Tomorrow J...
To that end, SMIC positions its N+1 as a technology for inexpensive chips. A SMIC’s spokesperson said the following: “Our target for N+1 is low-cost applications, which can reduce costs by about 10 percent relative to 7nm. So this is a very special application.” Notably, SMIC’s ...
三星那个晶体管密度差不多1.25亿每平方毫米,台积电7nm过1亿,台积电5nm是1.75亿。比起7nm肯定进步了一些 2024-11-28·浙江 回复喜欢 的笃 三星那个也好意思叫5nm 2024-11-28·上海 展开其他 1 条回复 小号一枚 1570的单核还行 2年前的骁龙 ...
往后还有N+1、N+2代工艺,其中N+1工艺比性能比14nm高20%、功耗降低57%、逻辑面积缩小63%,SoC面积缩小55%。N+1工艺在2019年第四季度就完成流片,同样处于客户产品验证阶段,预计2020年第四季度量产。另外,N+2工艺性能和成本都更高一些。 台积电大规模量产的7nm工艺在2018年开始生产,国内的代际落后一至两代,但中...
They're not 7nm capable though, read the article again. The issue here is that they make a claim that hasn't been substantiated about their 10-14nm N+1 node, which is supposed to be as good as others 7nm nodes. I highly doubt that, but let's wait and see. And in this case, ...