As part of the brand research phase, a series of visual and brand behavior characteristics were identified – all of which are unique to Samsung. From this research, the concept of the Spotlight emerged. Spotlight, in it’s essence, is a branded interface concept that puts focus, clarity, ...
多年前就陸續有廠商推廣具備上網功能的連網電視(或稱為Internet TV or Connected TV),只不過當時的電視上網技術規格太複雜,且缺乏軟體與應用程式的輔助,消費者短時間內也難以改變使用習慣,加上當時可連網的電視價格偏高,種種原因使得電視上網的普及率,一直很難以提升.但是隨著SAMSUNG,SONY,LG, Apple TV,Google TV...
MAC address changer permits you to change your network MAC address to connect to the internet, this can useful if your internet connection is blocked by a network administrator for instance. It is also useful for changing duplicated MAC addresses within the same network. ...
Aer Lingus has invested around 2m in a new TV advertising campaign which aims to bring the aviation brand into the modern day.Whitespace Publishing Ltd -