if the object implements the reference count itself. This isn't so bad after all, when designing your own classes to work with smart pointers; it is easy to embed the reference count in the class itself, to get less memory footprint and better performance. ...
上面的参考了http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15351/Implementing-a-simple-smart-pointer-in-c 这篇文章。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E6%8C%87%E9%92%88 http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=25264 http://ootips.org/yonat/4dev/smart-pointers.html htt...
C Smart Pointers What this is This project is an attempt to bring smart pointer constructs to the (GNU) C programming language. Features unique_ptr, shared_ptr macros, and smart type attribute Destructor support for cleanup Custom variable metadata on allocation Cross-platform: tested under linux...
It would greatly help memory safety if ROOT could use more smart pointers in its interfaces. However, the automatic downcasting of returned values is only working for raw pointers. It should work for smart pointers as well. For example, right now this doesn't work: classClassA{public:ClassDe...
The correct code is to copy the pointers before you disown them:map[srpFoo] = srpBar;srpFoo.Disown();srpBar.Disown();Before the day that I found this I had never been in a situation before where I had to think about the C++ order of operations for assigning and subscripting in order...
If the project was written using C++11 and it’s associated specific best practice, then usually a raw pointer means that the user of this function don’t get ownership of the object. Raw pointers, in C++11 good practice context, always suggest a lack of ownership of any kind, while sma...
Chapter 4: Smart Pointers Effective Modern C++(11&14)Chapter4: Smart Pointers 1...自定义析构器不是指针对象的一部分,也就不要求在编译生成的特定函数(析构函数,移动函数)对象中指针指向的类型是完整的 7.Summary std::unique_ptr is a small, fast, move-only smart 1.6K20 SMART Utility for mac(硬...
In Microsoft Visual C++, you must import the MSXML headers and libraries into your project. This is a fairly simple task if you intend to use smart pointer classes to access interface pointers.Using the #import DirectiveTo use the #import directive, you can insert the following statement at ...
Chapter 4: Smart Pointers Effective Modern C++(11&14)Chapter4: Smart Pointers 1...自定义析构器不是指针对象的一部分,也就不要求在编译生成的特定函数(析构函数,移动函数)对象中指针指向的类型是完整的 7.Summary std::unique_ptr is a small, fast, move-only smart 1.6K20 proxy...
The wallet2_api uses raw pointers in most situations. In some places, memory leaks exist if an exception is thrown. In other places, the memory management isn't specified in the documentation (in this situation, refresh() will delete all memory returned by getAll()). So I would like to...