What is the slang for $100? What Isa C-Note? C-note is a slang term for a $100 banknote in U.S. currency. The "C" in C-note refers to the Roman numeral for 100, which was printed on $100 bills, and it can also refer to a century. The term came to prominence in the 1920...
Click to Expand Search Input Get in the know on Visit Billboard Pro for music business news Icon LinkPMC Logo Most Popular We Already Know How Taylor & Daniel's Love Is Blind Journey Ends Man Blasts Steve Smith Sr. For Allegedly Having Affair With His Wife, Leaks Texts And Calls ...
A slang term for five-dollar bills. The source is likely from the German/Yiddish word for five: German—Funf, Yiddish—Finnif. 41. Five spot A five-dollar bill. 42. Fiver Another term for the five-dollar bill, as in: “I make about a fiver on each t-shirt I sell.” 43. Foldin...
1. a general term of abuse, underpinned by suggestions of effeminacy. 1997 200020052010 2015 1997–2000 College Sl. Research Project (Cal. State Poly. Uni., Pomona) 🌐 Bitch boy 1. (noun) Jackass; asshole. 2. (vocative) Name used for a best friend. 2012 A. Johnson My Infamous Li...
7. a general term for women in pl. or a woman/vagina as representing sex; thus sexual intercourse itself (uses are often indistinguishable); also attrib. 1938 19401950196019701980199020002010 2020 1938 J. Weidman I Can Get It For You Wholesale 48: I wouldn’t miss a second of this for al...
Dead man's hand - A slang term sometimes used for Ace 8 (A-8). From the hand held by Wild Bill Hickok when he was shot and killed in a poker game. Dead money - Money put in the pot by a player who has no possibility of winning the hand. Dealer - In a live game the 'deale...
URL this week, your DA is probably going to be 0 for a little while. Sites like Google and Facebook, two of the most trafficked sites in the world have a DA of 100. Simply put, this business slang term indicates your site’s ability to rank well on search engines. You get the ...
Where does the term stallion come from? The word stallion comesfrom stall, referencing ancient laws requiring male breeding horses to be kept in stalls rather than allowed to wander in fields. What are stallions known for? Stallions are commonly known forhaving thick, cresty necks and well-musc...
This has confusing and convoluted origins, from as early as the late 1800s: It seems originally to have been a slang term for a three month prison sentence, based on the following: that 'carpet bag' was cockney rhyming slang for a 'drag', which was generally used to describe a three ...
The slangC-noterefers to a $100 bill, and the letterCrefers to the Roman numeral for 100 that was printed on early $100 banknotes. clams Beginning a run of old-timey slang that would have been popular among 1920s bootlegging gangsters, the wordclamwas probably used as a term for a dol...