open your quest panel and go to the Misc quests tab, then set the objective to trackable. Ask Feran what you can do to help. Feran tells you he has discovered the whereabouts of a set of ancient Rings of Blood Magic. The belong
You don't have to get in every guild at once, you can wipe at least one of them out. You don't have to do a quest just because some random NPC asks you to. You can specialize in magic/sneaking/beefiness if you so chose, or cross-train. That is, in fact, more choice than ...
Swaps Harkon's obnoxious blood storm spell for the basic drain. Share Requirements Permissions and credits exactly what it says on the tin. I find Blood storm to be a pain to fight against as :- It's a pain in the ass to actually avoid being hit due to it's rapid fire and AO...
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