新西兰 Skinny 电话卡是(目前我已知)最便宜实惠的实体卡,适合收验证码,注册账号用。 经过我的实测,很简单,首先需要购买Skinny电话卡,可以自寻淘宝/pdd等。 收到卡之后,把卡上面包装的纸袋上面的卡的sim号码,以及sim卡上面的pin码拍照留存。 激活时候打开链接: https://www.skinny.co.nz/register/ 进行注册...
I've been with Skinny mobile for over eight years now, and I have never had any issues with them. The only mess up that I've had is on my end where I've either needed my sim lock number to unlock the sim card or recently to transfer my number to a new sim card since I lost...
具体规则可以看: https://www.skinny.co.nz/help/mobile-help/phone-sim-number/sim/inactive-sim/ 1. 当过期后,你只能通过 Voucher code 方式加值激活,但是以前 topup 的网页已经停止服务了,所以首先需要购买 Skinny 的 Voucher code (我是使用 Visa 卡从 nz 的 gift card 网站购买的) 2. 找到你的 Skin...