SHIP OF THE DAMNED Shirley Chen Shorts Sian Clifford Sianad Gregory Sienna Guillory SIGNS OF LIFE Simon Callow Simon Meacock Simon Weir Skateboarding Skating Skinheads Skye Lourie Skylar Vickerman Slamdance 2020 Smack Edd Snatch Snooker SNUFF TAPES SOMETHING IN THE DIRT...
vocabulary and pronunciation) used in a part of a country or by a class of people 方言 ; 土语 ; 地方话 : the Yorkshire dialect 约克郡方言 *| a play written in dialect 用方言写的剧本 *| [attrib 作定语] dialect words, pronunciations, etc 方言词、 方音. Cf...
derived server derived type conversi derivedassociation derivedequation derives new ship shap deriving formula derk bodde dermal impact asslt e dermal leishmaniasis dermal sensationsyn c dermalofthagoides dermapteran dermasel agar dermat dermatogen initial dermatological geneti dermatologyanddendrol dermato...