如果你已经在英国找到了一份有技术含量的工作(Skilled Job),并且你的雇主是英国政府官方认可的有工签资质的公司或机构(Licensed Sponsors),那么你就可以办理Skilled Worker Visa(以下称工作签证)了,这是专门给在英长期工作的人设置的签证。 工作签证的申请条件:你的工作符合资格要求 你的英语水平(听、说、读、写)...
★薪水达到移民局最低要求:三选一(如果都能满足选最高):年薪25600 镑/ 时薪10.10 镑/ 达到移民局职业代码对应薪水。 Uppdate Your Skilled Worker Visa 工 签 更新详细流程 在英国拿着工签的小伙伴可能经常会面临这样的问题,如果想换雇主(change your employer)或者想调岗(job changes to a different occupatio...
This visa is for the skilled professionals overseas who have been offered a job in United Kingdom. There are many categories under this. The open categories are mentioned below:-
Delight in innovation, complete commitment, and a strong team spirit. As a result, every single one of us, whether apprentice, executive, skilled worker, or technical expert, contributes to our success.That's how we work as a Group.
If your partner or parent is applying or already has permission on the Skilled Worker route to undertake an eligible job role in the UK, and you are looking to accompany or join them, you will need to apply for a Skilled Worker Dependant visa. In this gu
Jobseeker-job ratio Unemployment rate Average vacancy time in days Finally, the Prognos labour market experts analyse the current and future personnel situation and provide a comprehensive qualitative assessment: If the traffic light for skilled workers is set to “green,” the goal can be reached,...
Skilled worker sponsor licence requirements To avoid issues or delays with your application, take time to understand the application process and the supporting evidence you will need to send with your application. When applying for the skilled worker sponsor licence, you will need to prove to the ...
Skilled workers are able to fill shortages in Canada’s labour force and build lasting careers contributing to the Canadian economy. Skilled worker immigration programs are permanent resident programs, and successful applicants receive Canadian permanent resident status. ...
Job Seekers:If you are a job seeker and looking to join a specialised labourhire company and would value an opportunity to grow your skills and experience please contact our team of industry specialists. We supply businesses with temporary and permanent blue collar labour hire in the Perth, West...
New rules for Skilled Worker visa: started from 4 April 2024, the minimum salary requirement increased to £38,700 per year or your job's going rate, whichever is higher.Contact our lawyers for a free telephone consultation on 020 3744 2797 or complete our enquiry form to discuss your UK...