His role as the First Adviser for President Bill Clinton; How Clinton and Gore have worked together to solidify their relationship; The influence Gore has on the members of Clinton's administration; The goals shared by Clinton and Gore; The risks of Gore's high profile; The possibility of ...
Focuses on local concern in Vice President Al Gore's home district about the pollution of the Pigeon River by the Champion International paper mill in Canton, North Carolina. Gore's failure to intervene in the long running battle against the region's biggest polluter; Feeling that Gore is an...
in light of revelations that company officials made racially derogatory remarks about black employees. Texaco settling the lawsuit filed against it out-of-court for $115 million in racial reparations; Response from Texaco officials; Response from black leaders.SolomonJolieTurqueBillEBSCO_AspNewsweek...
Jean TurquetBoston UnivStjepko GolubicBoston UnivActa OecologicaZubia, M., Turquet, J., Golubic, S., 2016. Benthic cyanobacterial diversity of iles eparses (Scattered islands) in the Mozambique channel. Acta Oecol. 72, 21-32.Zubia, M.; Turquet, J.; Golubic, D. Benthic ...
How the Target Acquisition and Designation Sight system (TADS) magnifies enemy positions miles away; Success last week in southern Iraq in helping destroy a bunker complex and capture 500 prisoners; Why the Apache's performance has been open to doubt; Description of its mission, capabilities and ...
John Leenhouts; Previous probing of Iraqi radar; Use of Navy EA-6B Prowlers and Air Force Ef-111 Ravens to detect Iraqi battle radars; Questions concerning Iraqi air defenses; Missiles, jamming pods, chaff dispensers and infrared flares. INSET: Clearing a corridor..Turque...
INSETS: The White House shuffle;Redecorating the Clinton cabinet.CooperMatthewTurqueBillEBSCO_AspNewsweek
Discusses the failure of the United Nations (UN) peacekeepers to protect `safe area' Srebrenica, Bosnia, from Serb attack. The UN's advance knowledge of the attack; Description of the Serb attack; United States' plan; General John Shalikashvili, chairman of the Joint Chiefs' plan for air ...
Addresses the presidential campaign of United States Vice President Al Gore. Role of his family in his campaign; Use of focus groups and consultants; Involvement of Gore's wife, Tipper, his daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff, and brother-in-law, Frank Hunger.TurqueBillRosenbergDebraNewsweek...
Profiles Democrat Bill Bradley, who announced in August 1995 that he would not be seeking a fourth term in the Senate. Possibility of an entrance into the 1996 presidential race as an independent; How the monopoly of the two-party system is beginning to break apart; Independent challenges no ...