Endometrial cancer, also known as uterine or womb cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the uterus. The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped pelvic organ where the development of a baby takes place during pregnancy. At the end of the uterus is the cervix, which connects the uterus to ...
American Cancer Society. Colorectal Cancer Facts and Figures 2020-2022. Atlanta, American Cancer Society; 2020. American Cancer Society. Survival Rates for Colorectal Cancer. Accessed at cancer.org/cancer/types/colon-rectal-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/survival-rates.html on 4 July 2023. Na...
1Prostate Cancer Theranostics and Imaging Centre of Excellence (ProsTIC), Molecular Imaging and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Cancer Imaging, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia;2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hospital Clínic, Spain;3Division of Cancer Surgery, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Austral...
Proceedings of ICIS SGCR-WIRES 2024, held jointly with the 23rd International Cancer Imaging Society Annual Conference Meeting abstracts Open access Published: 12 September 2024 Proceedings of ICIS SGCR-WIRES 2024, held jointly with the 23rd International Cancer Imaging Society Annual Conference, collabo...
Our society has come a long way since the Goh’s report of 1978 that necessitated mass sorting out of students. We need to constantly focus on the core purpose of education – to develop each child to bring out the best in them. I end this blog with one of my favourite quote on ...
My Life My Way: Philanthropy After Cancer Took His Wife MyWay: Scholarship for Special Needs Students SME Clinic – Online Banking for Businesses SME Clinic Business Account Selection SME Clinic Business Loans SME Clinic Cash Payroll SMEs: Bridging your Funding Gap for Bulk Discounts Promotions Under...
(M010) One staff reported the challenges of uninsured non- work injuries such as cancer: There is no provision for illnesses like cancer for which insurance will pay. But for 'humane medicine', there needs to be provision for such situations. (S021) Migrants who suffered work injuries had ...
Chronic low back pain, defined as low back pain lasting more than 3 months, is a globally prevalent health problem with significantly high medical and economic burden on individuals and the society. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic low back pain and examine its association ...
How? It featured four breast cancer charities to raise awareness and support the annual international health campaign around this cause that happens every October. The Highline Wellness team uses social media to spread the message CBD product company Highline Wellness celebrated its first birthday ...
The report says that IRAS' collection accounts for 68.2 percent of the government's operating revenue. The revenue is used to support the government's objectives to build an innovative and connected economy, sustain a quality living environment and promote a caring and inclusive society. ...