简介:SPRINGER NATURE SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 评分54 法定代表人 - 注册资本 - 成立日期 - - - - -对外投资实缴出资和出资比例 上海施普林格自然信息咨询服务有限公司 存续 法定代表人 Jacobs Arnout Albert S. 成立日期 2012-07-02 投资数额 16.5 投资比例 100% 全部SPRINGER NATURE SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 对外投...
Springer Nature Sustainable Cities Summit: closing remarks (6/6) The co-hosts of the Springer Nature Science and the Sustainable City Summit, Mariette DiChristina and Ed Gerstner review the discussions from the panels and keynotes.Stay up to date Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook ...
Singapore’s meteoric rise as a nation since its 1965 independence has been internationally lauded. This is largely due to the stalwart determination of its leaders and citizens and their desire to move beyond the need for survival to a state of continue
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The graph above shows the market trend analysis of springer nature singaporepte ltd. for the past year, which can be used to understand the current supply cycle and business stability of the company from the trend of different dimensions such as quantity, weight, price and number of transactions...
This chapter builds on the work from the ‘new’ sociology of childhood to show that the experiences of girl/childhood should not be assumed as homogenous. In mapping the contours of childhood, consumption and femininity in Singapore,...
笔记 关注 曾用名新加坡 2024-09更新 唯一实体编号(UEN): 201109905Z 成立日期: 2011-04-26 企查查编码: QSG04J21RH 注册地址: 152 BEACH ROAD, #01-01, GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 基本信息 唯一实体编号(UEN) 201109905Z 企业名称 SPRINGER NATURE SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. ...
Corpus-assisted translation teaching: Issues and challenges. Kanglong Liu. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Private Limited, 2020. 168 pp., EUR85.59 (e-book)doi:10.1111/ijal.12354Jianwen LiuHong Kong Shue Yan University Hong Kong ChinaJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd...
Springer Singapore +65 62 013 994 loyola.dsilva@springernature.com Dr. Ramesh Nath Premnath Senior Editor Engineering, Materials Science, Energy, Water, Climate Springer Singapore +65 62 013 996 ramesh.premnath@springernature.com Further interest Book author services Journal article author se...