SIEMENS西门子 SINAMICS G120, 控制单元 CU240B-2CU240E-2参考手册 EN.pdf,List Manual SINAMICS SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240B-2/CU240E-2 Edition 09/2020 /drives s Fundamental safety 1 instructions 2 Parameters SINAMICS 3 Function diagrams SINAMICS G120 F
Hohe Bedienfreundlichkeit durch Verwendung des Intelligent Operator Panel (IOP‑2) zur Parametrierung, Diagnose, Steuerung und zum Kopieren von Antriebsparametern Durch die Anschlussmöglichkeit von bis zu 6 Sensoren und bis zu 2 Aktoren direkt an der Control Unit können praktisch alle antrie...
• Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access. • Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP or EMERGENCY OFF). Fundamental safety instructions 1.2 Industrial security 1.2Industrial security Note Industrial security Siemens provi...
SINAMICS G120 S120 Power Module, PM240-2 PM240
CU240E‑2 ✓ ✓ CU250S‑2 ✓ ✓ Safety Integrated SINAMICS G120 standard converters are available in different versions for safety-related applications. The PM240‑2 and PM250 Power Modules are already designed for Safety Integrated. A drive can be combined with a Control ...
The following DOs are available in the SINAMICS G130: CU: VECTOR: TM31 (optional): General parameters for the Control Unit Drive control Terminal Module TM31 Parameters with identical functions may exist with the same parameter number in more than one DO (e.g. p0002). The...
// List Manual (parameter list and function diagrams): Function Manual SINAMICS Free Function Blocks: SINAMICS DCM DC ...
SINAMICS G120E 配置封闭驱动器说明书 SINAMICS G120E Configured enclosed drive for industry Technical Data Sheet July, 2015 S INAMICS Drives
SINA_SPEED Entry-ID: 109485727, V1.0, 06/2017 10 3 Function Principle of the Application Example Name Type Start value Function ConfigAxis WORD 16#003F HWIDSTW HW_IO 0 HWIDZSW HW_IO 0 Table 3-6: "SINA_SPEED" output parameter Assignment of the drive control word...
操作说明智能面板iop a5ea2-en nov11sinamics operating.pdf,Table of contents 1 Safety notes 5 1.1 Warnings and cautions 5 2 Overview 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Layout and functions 8 2.3 Screen icons 10 2.4 Menu structure 11 3 Installation 13 3.1 Fitting the