Installation Don’t worry, SimpleFOCStudio is easy to install even if you have never used the terminal before! 😃 There are just couple of steps to take: Install Python if you don’t have it installed yet We suggest to use Anaconda. Here is how to install it. Once you have your Ana...
SimpleFOC项目资料: 我自己深度改进的百元级SFOC双路无刷驱动板子:BV1Hz4y127FL 好久没更新过SFOC系列的使用教程了,在这段期间,SFOC项目经过了大更新,而我也开源了我自己做的开源无刷双路板子,今天终于书接上回,这节课给大家讲 SimpleFOC Studio 图形化调参软件的使用,当然也包括之前...
电机驱动SimpleFOC的调试界面软件SimpleFOCStudio是个开源的Python工具,目前不支持最新版本的Python 3.11, 需要低版本的3.9才能顺利安装,为方便不熟悉Python的小伙伴使用,特制作了一个安装包,直接解压或者安装即可使用。 下载地址: 安装包使用Pyinstaller制作: p...
使用SimpleFOCStudio,需要在代码中加入下面这些指令: #include<SimpleFOC.h>...// include commander interfaceCommandercommand=Commander(Serial);voiddoMotor(char*cmd){command.motor(&motor,cmd);}voidsetup(){...// add the motor to the commander interface// The letter (here 'M') you will provide ...
A GUI based in PyQT5 and PyQtGraph to configure and control SimpleFOC devices. - SimpleFOCStudio/ at main · JorgeMaker/SimpleFOCStudio
电机驱动SimpleFOC的调试界面软件SimpleFOCStudio是个开源的Python工具,目前不支持最新版本的Python 3.11, 需要低版本的3.9才能顺利安装,为方便不熟悉Python的小伙伴使用,特制作了一个安装包,直接解压或者安装即可使用。 下载地址: ...
SimpleFOC项目资料: 我自己深度改进的百元级SFOC双路无刷驱动板子:BV1Hz4y127FL 好久没更新过SFOC系列的使用教程了,在这段期间,SFOC项目经过了大更新,而我也开源了我自己做的开源无刷双路板子,今天终于书接上回,这节课给大家讲 SimpleFOC Studio 图形化调参软件的使用,当然也包括之前...
motor.monitor();//使用simpleFOC Studio上位机设置的时候,这句一定要打开。但是会影响程序执行速度// user;} 2 然后启动simplefocstudio, 然后可以连接成功, 但是…… 先连接上 然后,就发现读取不了参数,真郁闷 等解决完之后再把解决过程补充上...
Don't worry, SimpleFOCStudio is easy to install even if you have never used the terminal before! 😃 There are just couple of steps to take:Install Python if you don't have it installed yet We suggest to use Anaconda. Here is how to install it. Once you have your Anaconda running...
Built on PyQt5 and a standardized SimpleFOCConnector interface that can be used as a gateway form python to the SimpleFOClibrary device. Installation Don't worry, SimpleFOCStudio is easy to install even if you have never used the terminal before! 😃 There are just couple of steps to take...