On the Convex Hull of the Simple Integer Recourse Objective Functiondoi:10.1007/BF02031708Willem Klein HaneveldLeen StougieMaarten Van Der Vlerk
We consider the objective function of a simple recourse problem with fixed technology matrix and integer second-stage variables. Separability due to the simple recourse structure allows to study a one-dimensional version instead. Based on...
An Algorithm for the Construction of Convex Hulls in Simple Integer Recourse Programmingdoi:10.1007/BF02187641Willem Klein HaneveldLeen StougieMaarten Van Der Vlerk
van der Vlerk, “On the convex hull of the simple integer recourse objective function,” Research Memorandum 516, Institute of Economic Research, University of Groningen (1993).W.K. Klein Haneveld, L. Stougie, and M.H. van der Vlerk: On the convex hull of the simple integer recourse...
Carlier MF,Didry D,Erk I,Lepault J,Van Troys ML,Vandekerckhove J,Perelroizen I,Yin H,Doi Y,Pantaloni D.Tbeta 4 is not a simple G-actin sequestering protein and interacts with F-actin at high concentration.Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996...
van der Vlerk. Simple integer recourse models: convexity and convex approximations. Math. Program., 108(2-3, Ser. B):435-473, 2006.W.K. Klein Haneveld, L. Stougie, and M.H. van der Vlerk, Simple integer recourse models: convexity and convex approximations, Math. Program., 108 (...
Since then, a software tool called Speciknee has been developed by building on the core vector computational method and adding a user-friendly operator interface through which a designer could input individual patient needs, select pivot points along the set of curves where prosthetic joint pivots ...
Convex Approximations for Simple Integer Recourse Models By Perturbing the Underlying DistributionsWillem Klein HaneveldLeen StougieMaarten Van Der Vlerk
H. van der Vlerk, An algorithm for the construction of convex hulls in simple integer recourse programming, Annals of Operations Research 64 (1996) 67–81.Klein Haneveld, W.K., Stougie, L., van der Vlerk, M.H.: An algorithm for the construction of convex hulls in simple integer ...
These bounds are a strict improvement over those of Romeijnders et al. (Math Program 157:3-46, 2016b), and we use them to derive error bounds for convex approximations of simple integer recourse models. In fact, we obtain a hierarchy of error bounds that become tighter if the total ...