Simplebim is an absolutely fundamental piece of software on the Hinkley C project for the digital engineering team. Without it, the process of assigning information to such a huge number of models would have been impossible and would have prevented us from achieving some of the amazing things th...
Other Designers Are Thinking About This Turns out there’s an analogous conversation going on in the world of architecture – a growing interest in BIM – Bulding Information Modeling that combines the graphical depiction of a blueprint with backend data that allows designers to estimate building m...
Testing and operational checks begin once the contractors have finished and the building is cleared of debris and cleaned for occupancy. Why a construction model ? A 3D design model illustrates a static concept. A 4D building information model (BIM) is put together to publish and print a set...
Simplebim is an absolutely fundamental piece of software on the Hinkley C project for the digital engineering team. Without it, the process of assigning information to such a huge number of models would have been impossible and would have prevented us from achieving some of the amazing things ...