多吃的盐会导致交感神经系统对压力情况过度反应,从而产生长期高水平的压力荷尔蒙。 多余的钠在你身体,会导致你的大脑模糊,让你困惑 / 9 Signs You're Eating Too Much Salt Farquhar博士及其同事写道:“这种增加的反应性与血压变异性增加有关,即使平均血压没有升高。” 来源:9 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sal...
which is a natural way your body keeps the balance in check. If you’re not consuming the right foods or have depleted good bacteria due to other factors such as antibiotic use, then you could be opening the door to unhealthy microorganisms, it adds. ...
Dietitians help you recognize the subtle ways your body may be signaling it's time to cut back on added sugar.
Are you eating too much sugar? Here are warning signs you’re eating too much sugar. 10 Signs you are Eating Too Much Sugar 1. Tiredness & Lack of energy A constant feeling of tiredness or fatigueis one of the biggest signs you’ve got too much sugar in your diet. ...
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So if you've been feeling faint or dizzy, you may be pregnant. There are other symptoms of pregnancy, but every woman (and indeed, every pregnancy) is different. So you may not experience all of them. But if you have any of them and you're sexually active, you may need ...
Environmental factors are part of the mix, too. Growing up in a household where alcohol is prevalent increases your risk of alcoholism. Your involvement with peers as you grow up and the age at which you begin drinking also contribute. People who drink before age 15 arefour timesmore likely...
It's much easier to deal with one thing at a time than a whole pile. 💙 Become a pro at Single-Tasking so you can ease stress by focusing on one thing at a time. 5. Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend When you’re stressed, you want to have an ally in your ...
If you find that things just don’t feel the same between you anymore, your relationship may simply be coming to its natural end. Somesigns that you’re growing apartmay include: Choosing to spend more time alone than together. Eating alone or at different times rather than together. ...
11. You can’t handle small talk anymore. When you’re experiencing an introvert hangover at a social event, you might find it hard to keep up with conversations. You’ve run out ofsmall talk. Your mind is just too tired to think of anything polite or interesting to say. ...