You know you’re being true to yourself if…. 1. You’re honest with yourself about what you think, feel, want, and need. You understand that you have to be honest with yourself before you can be honest with anyone else. This means you make space in your life to connect with yoursel...
Signs you’re being true to yourself If you’re someone who is already pretty comfortable with yourself and you’re always true to what and who you are, well done. But how can you be sure that’s what you’re really doing? Here are some signs you’re already being true to yourself...
The old must be stripped away in order to make way for the new.This means that the suffering you experience during the Dark Night of the Soulisfor a purpose – and that is the destruction of the old (outdated beliefs, identities, habits) to pave the way for fresh ways of being. This...
Now comes the space to pause and reflect.Can you recognize any of this behavior within yourself? It takesdeep humilityto admit where we’ve gone astray or have been misguided in our thinking and behavior. However, being willing to be vulnerable, open, and honest about ourselves is a central...
If you’re new to type and you’re not even sure what an INTJ is, then you’re in the right place! The INTJ is one of 16 of the Myers-Briggs personality types. Some people call the INTJ the architect or mastermind because of their ability to compose far-reaching strategies. The INTJ...
You find yourself saying “sorry” so often it's practically your new catchphrase. It's like you're apologizing for just being, well, you, even when you can't pinpoint what you supposedly did wrong. This knee-jerk apology reflex can leave you feeling small and unsure of your place in...
“Don’t tell me – you’re a comedian, right?” The reason that this particular sign is so telling is because people WILL NOT haphazardly make statements like that. It is truly indicative of being able to generateGENUINElaughter from others when you talk and express yourself to others. ...
Living without a budget is like driving with your eyes closed - you can't see where you're going. Having a budget allows you to understand your income and outgoings, and plan for purchases without resorting to credit. A lot of people are afraid of creating a budget plan as they are sc...
Sweatpants Are a Staple … Even outside of the Home • You Really Don't Deal with Crying Well • You Love the No-fuss Haircuts • You're That Girl … • Makeup is so Not Your Friend • More ...
Your instincts have served you well so far, so pay attention to them now. You’re picking up on something you can’t immediately identify, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Why Would a Guy Hide Being Gay with His Girlfriend?