Early Signs of Diabetes in Women vs. Men There's no major difference in early diabetes signs between men and women, but there may be a few contrasts. Women with the condition may have vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections more often, while men with untreated diabetes tend to ...
In the 1700s, there became a need to separate diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. Thomas Willis added the term “mellitus” which means “from honey” because excess sugar had been found in the blood and urine of those who had the disease. ...
If your child is showing signs of diabetes, Feller recommends scheduling an appointment with your health care provider. "If a parent sees any significant change in their child's behavior, in terms of their intake (meaning what they're eating or drinking) or the output (a change in urine or...
Losing unwanted pounds is always a good idea to manage type 2 diabetes. But if you're losing weight quickly, without trying, or without doing anything different, it may be a sign that your blood sugar is too high. When your glucose is high, it gets flushed out of the body in urine,...
New information is emerging all the time about the impacts of COVID infection on the heart, brain, and immune system. Vaccines are proving to be even safer than we first thought, and we’re learning that they protect both pregnant women and their newborn babies. And every month brings new...
Some patients experience the equivalent of angina, but without the pain. Instead, they may complain only of shortness of breath or earlyfatigue. This is especially true in patients with diabetes, who may experience little or no discomfort or pain at all. ...
You may experience unexpected back pain in your lower back. This is an indication of a pregnancy but can also be caused by stress, premenstrual syndrome or physical activity. Together with the bloat feeling, the pain in the torso is one of early signs that women complain during the early pa...
Put a monitor on your belly to check your baby's heart rate and your contractions. Swab for fetal fibronectin, which helps predict the risk of delivering early. Test your urine or cervix for infection. Check yourcervixto see if it is opening. ...
Reschedule or cancel outdoor activity.If possible, shift your time outdoors to the coolest times of the day, either early morning or after sunset. Other strategies for preventing heatstroke include: Monitor the color of yoururine.Darker urine is a sign of dehydration. Be sure to drink enough ...