side by side是什么意思、side by side怎么读 读音:英[saɪd baɪ saɪd] 美[saɪd baɪ saɪd] side by side 基本解释 密切(合作);和睦(相处);并排;并肩 词组短语 1、side by sidewith 与…肩并肩 2、side-by-side a. 并肩的, 并行的 ...
“side by side”是一个描述并列关系或协作状态的多功能短语,既可用于具体空间位置,也可用于抽象层面的共存或对比。其核心在于强调“
“熟词偏义”是英语中常见的情况,看似每个单词都认识,连在一起就不知道是什么意思。 这里的“Side by side”不是“一边...一边...”的意思。 Side by side真正的意思是:肩并肩,一起! 下面来考考大家,看看你能答对多少~ 第一题:show off A...
它可以指代边缘、侧面或某个物体的边沿,比如"Put the eggplants side by side in a serving dish",这里的"side"就是指并排放置。在更抽象的语境中,它也可以指代冲突、比赛或辩论中的立场,或者是一个名词,表示一方参与者。有时候,"side"甚至带有贬义,非正式地用来形容某人过于自大,"〈英,非...
side by side 美 英['saɪdbaɪsaɪd] na.连接着 网络并排;并行;并列 复数:side-by-sides 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 并排着,并肩,连接着 (with) 例句 释义: 全部,连接着,并排,并行,并列 1. You'reworkingwithhimside-by-sideandyouhaven't gleanedanypersonalinformationabouthim?
side-by-side 英['saɪdbaɪsaɪd] 美['saɪdbaɪsaɪd] 释义 adj. 并肩的,并行的 实用场景例句 全部 We're usually working side by side with the men. 通常我们和男性一起并肩工作。 柯林斯例句 We can see a day where all people live side by side....
词汇 side by side 释义 side by side side by side a) next to each other 并排地,肩并肩地 We walked along the beach, side by side. 我们并排走在沙滩上。 b) if people work side by side, they work together to achieve something 并肩〔努力〕 side by side with Local citizens worked side ...
side by side•Doctors and scientists are working side by side tofindacureforAIDS.•Mediamavenscontendthat thevisualcomparisonof the two men side by side ishalfthebattle.•OnenteringtheofficeIsawthat Donald had placed twohardchairsside by sidefacinghisdesk.•The twoboysgrewup side by side ...
A-One - Side by Side