SustainabilityWaste managementItalian drinking water supply structure includes two main systems: tap water and bottled water. Thanks to the first, drinking water is available almost all around domestic territory while bottled water represents one of the ways to make water available where and/or when ...
E-mail Link to this Article Export Citation for this Article Get Citation Alerts Request Permissions Abstract References Cited By Get PDF (641K) Abstract Our earlier work on reactions in the solid state of the systems Al2O3, SiO2 and Al2O3 CaO (Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges 1951 n° 60; ...
We obtained by pressure in increasing doses a resistant RH strain for the sulfadiazine. This result doesn’t come along with a modulation of expression levels on the analysis genes, but with the population individualization which increase of the Pgp efflux activity....
It finds natural genetic variation among Arabidopsis accessions for resistance against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, identifies several QTL for nematode resistance, and fine-maps one of these resistance QTL.Mukhaimar, Maisara
E., and Pomerleau, R. 1965. Recherches sur la resistance de l'orme d'amerique au Ceratocystis ulmi. Can. J. Bot. 43:85-96.OUELLET C.E., POMERLAU R., 1965. Recherches sur la resistance de l'orme d'Amerique au Ceratocystis ulmi. Canadian Journal of Botany 43, 85-96....
Intermediate structure in the28Si +32S systemL. Stuttgé
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Diatoms play a key role in the primary production and also in the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean. Their metabolism has the particularity to couple Si and C via the frustule synthesis. We studied the Si-OC interactions in the frustule and it possible impact on organic ...
This reaction models the activation of SO[sub 2] in the homogeneously catalyzed Claus process.KovácsIstvánBélanger-GariéppyFrancineShaverAlanInorganic Chemistry
nevertheless, when the user has problems with the service, he also evaluates the possibility of correcting errors, the site's response capability, and the existence and availability of personal customer service.Pollie BromilowFacultad de Contaduría y Administración, UNAMContaduría Y Administración...