I'm told that Kluwer prices were generally higher than Springer's. Will Springer's pricing be rounded up to Kluwer levels? A: Actually, if you look at pricing on a cost-per-article basis, then I don't think there was much difference in pricing. In any case, it is not the policy ...
As I am sure you know, it takes about two years for a start-up to gain a solid footing and start showing a profit. Of course COVID disrupted this once-reliable business guesstimate. It has been very difficult keeping our doors open, even being a discount retaile...
“I’m not going to negotiate in the press, but the President has been willing to negotiate on this point and the Democrats have not been willing to do anything,” Sanders said of the wall’s price. “That’s the sad part — they care more about keeping our borders open than keeping ...
Today we find ourselves in the midst of an election season unlike any other I have ever seen. Donald Trump, a vain, outspoken populist (more than a few would say offensive, racist and sexist) billionaire with no governing experience and disjointed policy stances has upended the party elite a...
I thought, “Oh no, it’s definitely stereotype that exactly women talk a lot...” Everyone around was tired of his talking aside from him. He wasn’t silent for a minute irritated others. He reminded me of our president. The whole country is fed up to the back teeth with his “...