SHR的优点:在于方便不熟悉磁盘阵列的玩家,傻瓜简单式的帮你组好磁盘阵列,而且还能合理利用容量大小不一的硬盘,减少浪费,Raid是按照最小的硬盘算,而SHR则可以合理利用减少浪费,智能Raid 推荐使用。 image.png 附 RAID 容量计算网址:https://www.synology.cn/zh-cn/support/RAID_calcu...
你这种情况,两块4T时,shr=raid0。 如果对数据安全性要求高,就改成raid1吧 来自iPhone客户端3楼2016-06-04 12:42 收起回复 Mike老狼 铁杆吧友 9 楼主可以看这里,模拟测试一下,看起来两块硬盘的情形下SHR是和RAID1等效的。https://www.synology.cn/zh-cn/support/RAID_calculator 4楼2016-06-05 16:27...
If you want to verify the capacity of a certain disk combination you can use the Synology RAID calculator:http://www.synology.com/support/RAID_calculator.php?lang=enu Note however that the calculator is not 100% reliable in case of an expansion, as it doesn't take into account of some ...
xoda wrote:So should I start with SHR-2 just to be safe? Hi xoda It's too small a disk group. Please check with the RAID calculator what's possible: https://www.synology.com/en-global/support/RAID_calculator Best regards, Claus ...
4盘r1和r6有区别吗? 来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-11-03 12:05 回复 遇见你 核心吧友 7 https://www.synology.cn/zh-cn/support/RAID_calculatorraid计算器 6楼2023-11-07 13:19 回复 古城小杜一 核心吧友 6 两块盘raid1,剩下两个basic 来自Android客户端8楼2023-11-09 23:53 回复 ...
HDD life expectancy calculator Choose the Best drives for my Synology, QNAP, ASUSTOR, and TerraMaster – how to make sense from spec sheetDISCUSS with others your opinion about this subject. ASK questions to NAS community SHARE more details what you have found on this subject CONTRIBUTE...
附计算网址:https://www.synology.cn/zh-cn/support/RAID_calculator。 basic basic 是基本模式,一个硬盘一个独立的空间。 raid0 raid0:无数据保护,空间最大化利用,当在NAS中运行的时候就和JBOD属性差不多,就不再多介绍,raid0是将多个磁盘合并成一个大的磁盘,不具有冗余,并行I / O,速度最快。它是将多个...
http://cn.synology.com/zh-cn/support/RAID_calculator 和SHR介绍 http://cn.synology.com/zh-cn/...
Check also with Synology RAID calculator what's the max capacity with a specific disk configuration:http://www.synology.com/en-global/support/RAID_calculator