"Derry Girls" is yet another show that proves subtitles are worth the work. This comedy series focuses of a group of rebellious teenage girls in Derry (in Northern Ireland), and the background for the series is the tumultuous time in the early 1990's known called "The Troubles". These ...
The Killing is one of our favorite TV shows of all time and though lesbian TV character exposure is minimal, it is absolutely worth watching if you’re a fan of intense drama and solving crime. Based in Seattle, the series begins with the murder of a young girl and we follow two detect...
"Derry Girls" is yet another show that proves subtitles are worth the work. This comedy series focuses of a group of rebellious teenage girls in Derry (in Northern Ireland), and the background for the series is the tumultuous time in the early 1990's known called "The Troubles". These ...
Spoiler alert: the theme of the Bananenbar is the tropical fruit called the banana. Besides all the beautiful women the banana takes center stage, as a prop, held onto by the performer without using her hands. At the entrance of the Bananenbar you can choose between two areas: the regular...
From creator Seth MacFarlane, is this worth-the-watch TV series that has plenty of sci-fi adventure, drama and comedy. Set 400 years in the future, this series tells the story of the crew onboard the U.S.S Orville as they explore the mysteries of the universe, as well as the complex...
First, understand that you haven’t done anything of the sort, because this popular streaming platform has lots of great shows worth watching. Second, continue reading to find out how todiscover the best new Netflix content, so you never have to get up from your sofa ever again. ...
It’s worth watching for Try’s LI Retro t-shirt alone.Leonard HermanWe round out this segment with the Father of Videogame History, Leonard Herman, joined by Patrick Wong and Mark Baer (middle child of videogame pioneer Ralph Baer).
It also givescorrectsubtitlesin more than ten languages of every show. So, if you’re watching something in a language you aren’t familiar with, just turn on the subtitles, and you’re good to go. There’s also the 10-second skip button; you can either forward skip or backward skip....
to fight them. (At least that’s what Isayama wanted us all to believe.) But then, Eren turns into a Titan and gives humanity a chance to survive or(die later from his rumbling). Well, no matter what, this anime will hook you to the screens, and it’s definitely worth watching....
For$11.99a year, we decided it was worth it and signed up. The regular price is $19.99 a year (or $2.99 for a single month). Stream on these devices: Amazon Fire, Roku, Google Chromecast, Xbox One, some smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers. There is also offline viewing ...