Shortof climbing railings four metres high, there was no way into the garden from this road... 除非爬过 4 米高的栏杆,否则从这条路没办法进到园子里。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They have no means,shortof civil war, to enforce their will upon the minorities. ...
go short (of sth) not have enough (of sth) 缺少(某物); 欠缺: If you earn well, you'll never go short. 钱挣多了就什麽都不缺了. * The children must not go short of food. 儿童不可缺少食物. run short (of sth) use up most of one's supply (of sth) 已快用完(某物): Go and...
这个可以用来解释s=1,为何将int赋值给short不会报错。 3)s=s+1为什么会报错?这里我没有看JLS,因为s=s+1,左边有变量参与,编译器在无法分析出该变量的值是什么,因为s为变量,其值不确定无法确定s+1是否超出short范围,为了防止进行类型转换时丢失精度,所以编译器直接当成无法确定来处理,报错了事。so,当有变量为...
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase - Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable ...
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Life's Too Short Tinashe 526 作曲: Tinashe I know you still love me我知道你仍爱着我 It's been a long time without you尽管我们已经分开了许久 Can't help it, FaceTimin'总是想要和你视频通话 All night, can't sleep, lonely整夜我无法独自入睡 Now that you're gone, I got 20/20 vision ...
这款出海短剧APP正在“闷声发大财”:吃下日本市场,收入30倍碾压本土应用 文 | 点点数据 近两年AI之外最火的赛道,非短剧莫属,2023年更是被称为“短剧元年”。相比于大多数出海短剧厂商将目标对准欧美市场,或者退而求其次的东南亚及繁体中文市场,日韩似乎显得很少被触达,整体关注度不高。但近两个月,点点...
中国「土味」短剧,在美国杀疯了 11月初,真人短剧与游戏模式相结合的《完蛋!我被美女包围了!》在Steam疯狂霸榜后,带有浓厚中国基因的「霸总」短剧也在美国杀疯了。近日,一款名为 ReelShort 的短剧应用登上了苹果商店的总榜前三甲,甚至力压霸榜多年的TikTok,上升到了娱乐榜第一。打开这款App后,你会发现有...