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How Often to Size Your Kid’s Feet Tiny tootsies grow fast. Between the ages of 2 years and 6 years, a child’s feet can grow up to half a size every two to four months. Experts recommend that until your child is 4 years old, you make a shoe change every two to three months. ...
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White has also been meticulous about courting her target audience. While Williams and other WNBA players are in the mix, her focus is primarily high school and college players because the youth market in women’s basketball is largely untapped. It’s also where players’ relationships to sneakers...
SchneiderLevy, Barbara
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日本时尚品牌 BEAUTY&YOUTH 近日携手经典运动品牌 New Balance 带来 2015 年新一季联名企划系列。诞生于 1979 年的 CRT300 是 New Balance 旗下经典鞋型之一,随着质朴复古风潮的再度兴起,此番 BEAUTY&YOUTH 便以此为蓝本,带来全新别注系列。 日本时尚品牌 BEAUTY&YOUTH 近日携手经典运动品牌 New Balance...
5 种不同样式及功能的款式一同登场。 来自日本的时尚名所 BEAUTY & YOUTH 在携手棒球帽品牌 New Era 推出联乘帽款系列之后,继续在配件上用功,这次找来了 PORTER 合作,打造全新包款系列。灵感来源于人们的都市生活,带来 5 种不同样式及功能的款式,其中包括双肩背包、托特包、腰包、公文包等。在...
BEAUTY & YOUTH 作为日本著名零售店铺UNITED ARROWS的旗下品牌,在 2006 年创立,以美国西岸户外休闲、混搭穿衣为主要风格,近年来,BEAUTY & YOUTH 快速注入新元素,并在各地开设新店铺,为品牌建立时尚新形象。而就在近日,其品牌宣布将于下周在东京开设全新门店HBEAUTY & YOUTH,占地 120 平方米,且拥有三层零...