The Super Matt waterbased coatings of Sherwin-Williams provide a superior deep matt finishing of interior wooden surfaces. The clarity of the film is unseen, and the matt creates a very fashionable effect. V-Joint Sealer "Seal the Gap" with our new V-Joint Sealer EK4290 This product will ...
Sherwin-Williams Industrial Flooring is a global portfolio of seamless, resinous flooring systems that combine durability with design aesthetics in applications across various industries.
本公司生产销售防腐油漆 防腐油漆 涂料,提供防腐油漆专业参数,防腐油漆价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.防腐油漆 防腐油漆 品牌科尔玛|产地上海|价格8888.00元|产品类型IPN8710防腐涂料|服务保障|新旧程度全新|专业靠谱|服务方式送货上门|执行标准国际|货源充足|
Sherwin-Williams a market leader in exterior and interior paints and a company with a history of creating innovative products tailored to the Indian market with outstanding Customer service and more than 3,000 dealers.
SHERWIN WILLIAMS 宣伟内墙乳胶漆品牌测评 宣伟也是传统的全球涂料巨头之一,长期稳居世界前三,也是水性乳胶漆的发明者,在2017 年完成对威士伯涂料的收购后,已经超越阿克苏诺贝尔成为全球最大的涂料供应商,在建筑涂料、家具涂料细分领域的影响力都是全球第一。 宣伟是美国第一家通过国际化组织ISO注册和认证的涂料生产商,...
As the leading manufacturer of coil and extrusion metal coatings in the world, Sherwin-Williams Coil Coating (formerly Valspar) brings a proud history of innovation to the coatings industry. With an enduring commitment to durability, superior customer se
Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes is the leading manufacturer and distributer of high-quality paint and coating systems for automotive and fleet refinishing industries.
Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes is the leading manufacturer and distributer of high-quality paint and coating systems for automotive and fleet refinishing industries.
As the leading manufacturer of coil and extrusion metal coatings in the world, Sherwin-Williams Coil Coating (formerly Valspar) brings a proud history of innovation to the coatings industry. With an enduring commitment to durability, superior customer se
1 SherwinWilliams宣伟 - 1866 美国 1866年宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)创立于位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市,是世界历史最悠久的涂料零售商之一。发展至今,业务遍及全球30多个国家和地区,拥有3万多名员工和3400多家自营店,2008年销售额达到80亿美元,是全球第三大涂料供应商。 ... 展开 ...