shell:Common Startup和shell:Startup 这个命令可以显示哪些程序在系统启动时会自动启动。有时程序安装的时候会自动在启动菜单中建立一个快捷方式。 shell:ConnectionsFolder 这个命令可以显示当前网络连接。这个命令应该是查看当前网络连接最快捷的方式了。通常的方法是单击网络和共享中心,然后选择更改适配器设置查看。 shell...
常见“开始”菜单COMMON%20START%20MENU开始菜单所有用户通用的项。 典型路径为 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu。 通用启动COMMON%20STARTUP所有用户通用的启动程序组。 通用模板COMMON%20TEMPLATES所有用户通用的文档模板。 COMMONMUSICMY%20MUSIC我的音乐文件夹模板适用于所有用户。
PS C:\PowerShell> [System.Environment+SpecialFolder] | Get-Member -static -memberType Property | select -ExpandProperty Name AdminTools ApplicationData CDBurning CommonAdminTools CommonApplicationData CommonDesktopDirectory CommonDocuments CommonMusic CommonOemLinks CommonPictures CommonProgramFiles CommonProgram...
Revoke Security Save Data Search Common Select Common Send Communications Set Common Show Common Skip Common Split Common Start Lifecycle Step Common Stop Lifecycle Submit Lifecycle Suspend Lifecycle Switch Common Sync Data Test Diagnostic Trace Diagnostic Unblock Security Undo Common Uninstall Lifecycle ...
shell:Common Startup shell:ThisDeviceFolder shell:Common Desktop shell:AppDataProgramData shell:SyncSetupFolder shell:Local Documents shell:Local AppData shell:CredentialManager shell:AppDataDesktop shell:Common Templates shell:PublicGameTasks shell:Common Programs ...
start shell:::{CLSID}:在默认关联程序中打开指定的 Namespace Extension。 注册表设置: 注册表中的HKCR\CLSID\{CLSID}键:用于注册 Namespace Extension 的 CLSID。 注册表中的HKCR\CLSID\{CLSID}\ShellFolder键:用于配置 ShellFolder 属性,如显示名称、图标等。
In addition to reading the startup files above, non-login shells also inherit theenvironment from their parent process, usually a login shell. 除了读取以上启动文件之外,非登录 shell 会话也会继承它们父进程的环境设置,通常是一个登录 shell。 Take a look at your system and see which of these start... Custom script sourced after shell start Custom script sourced before shell start Custom key bindings where you can use thebindcommand freely One of the most common startup commands used ininit.fishis variables definition. Quite likely, such variable...
The UI hierarchy window delegates all menu or toolbar commands to the UIHierarchy object that is the common parent for the selection. This provides the UIHierarchy object the option to handle commands that only apply when the UI hierarchy window has focus. Examples include the Delete and Remove...
Shell Launcher processes the Run and RunOnce registry keys before starting the custom shell, so your custom shell doesn't need to handle the automatic startup of other applications and services.Shell Launcher also handles the behavior of the system when your custom shell exits. You can configure...