One of Royal Dutch Shell’s newest Internet top-level domains, .SHELL may be used in the future as opportunities arise.
home about shell eco-marathon previous seasons 2021 programme 2021 virtual programme pitch the future discover pitch the future competition pitch the future is an all-new virtual competition that challenges shell eco-marathon teams from around the world to tackle four real-world energy challenges. ...
about shell eco-marathon what is shell eco-marathon? when did it start? what are the vehicle categories, energy classes and fuel types in shell eco-marathon? is there an autonomous category? registration who can compete? where and how do i register for shell eco-marathon? is there a regist...
Find out more about the Shell Nigeria LiveWIRE programme, what we aim to do in Nigera, programme coverage and application criteria. Train the Trainer Our train the trainer proframme has been put in place to support the delivery of the programme modules by partner trainers in 2014 and beyond...
Вотужеболеесталетслово «ракушка» —эмблема «Шелл» —используетсядляидентификациинашегобрендаипродвижениярепутацииконцерна....
1,200 Jobs created* 1,051 Businesses supported More than 1,000 Jobs sustained* 196 Businesses created* 38 Supported businesses entered Shell’s supply chain * By supported entrepreneurs Our global reach Operating in 18 countries across six continents, our goal is to strengthen local economies throu...
De manier waarop we ons huis verwarmen, onze auto laten rijden, onze spullen vervoeren en produceren is aan het veranderen. Midden in deze verandering hebben we ook te maken met de onzekerheid van een energiecrisis en hoge inflatie. Dit mag niet ten koste gaan van de omschakeling naar ...
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عمليات البحث التي أجريتها مؤخرًا ستظهر هنا انطلاقة-السعودية تنفذ اول برنامج لدعم رواد ا...
Shell LiveWIRE Brunei is a social investment flagship of Shell. We value contribution to Brunei economy by creating sustainable businesses. Success Stories Read success stories from businesses that have joined LiveWIRE Brunei Programmes before.