Daddy, our baby's gone Why should she treat us sothoughtlessly? How could she do this tome? She (We never thoughtof ourselves) Is leaving (Never a thought for光两ourselves) Home (We struggled hard all ourlives to getby) She's leaving home after living alone for so many years ...
She's gone, 她走了 Out of my life. 远离拿理味自代四员格临鲁好我的生活 I was w参笑花到命啊条菜怎rong, 我错了 I'm to blame, 我罪该如此 I was so untrue. 我如此恍惚 I can't live without her love. 没有她的爱我无法过活
Sh径督轮军菜皮沙车婷e comes inthe morning and the evening she's gone Every little hour every second youlive Trust in eternity that's what she gives She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne She wins in everything太算营顺双风材that she might do ...
Believed that she was gone 相信她走了 She's ba晚京端烈才架站ck again... sh便甲安笔标出e's back 她又回来了...她回来了 She's back again... she's back 她东还善制又回来了...她回来了 Shane: Like a predator and prey 像一把孩关苗直座略配坐再处个猎手和猎物 ...
Daddy, our baby's gone Whyshould she treatus sothoughtlessly? How could she do this to me? She (We never thought of ourselves) Is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves) Home (We struggled hard all our livesto get by) She'sleaving home after living alone for so many years ...