必应词典为您提供shay的释义,美[ʃeɪ],英[ʃeɪ],n. 〈口〉轻便马车;【女名】女子名; 网络释义: 谢伊;吉文;谢式;
The meaning of SHAY is chaise.
noun ,Chiefly Dialect. a chaise. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofshay1 1710–20; respelling and back formation fromchaise(taken as plural) Advertisement add this widget to your site Did You Know? Tuxedo was given its name after gaining popularity among diners at Tuxedo Park, ...
SHAY柳妍熙 2016-5-6 18:28来自iPhone 6 母親節就要來啦,不知你們會怎麼同自己親愛的媽咪慶祝這個特別的日子呢[愛心] 回港這兩天我就一直在這間專業的廚房裡忙碌著,希望可以親手趕做1000份愛心曲奇給更多的母親們,亦都希望在母親節當日讓他們感受到一絲甜甜的心意[愛心]特別鳴謝LE FOURNIL愛心支持,才可以讓我得...
SHAY jewelry is handmade using natural, untreated diamonds and precious gemstones set in 18-karat gold. Created by Ladan and Tania Shayan, Los Angeles natives and mother/daughter duo, the collection is modern and investment-worthy without sacrificing any
导语:谢伊·鲁道夫(Shay Rudolph),2005 年 9 月 6 日出生于美国加利福尼亚州,美国女演员,她在Netflix电视剧“ The Baby-Sitters Club”中饰演斯泰西·麦吉尔;她还出演了福克斯的犯罪剧电视剧《致命武器》,饰演主角韦斯利·科尔的女儿。还出演了电影《I Wish Yo......
See Shay, Chapter 2: Funsize Distraction's production, company, and contact information. Explore Shay, Chapter 2: Funsize Distraction's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource fo
SHAY SHAY was founded by mother-daughter team Ladan and Tania Shayan in their hometown of Los Angeles. Pulling inspiration from the diversity of the West Coast city, the unique, hand-made collections incorporate the founders’ belief that jewelry has the power to transform its wearer. Wear SHAY...
她的个人魅力和别具一格的着装风格让网友为之疯狂,她就是Shay Mitchel。 手握“大女主”剧本 童年时期的Shay辗转多个国家留学,模样出挑的她,在十几岁的时候,已经成为曼谷、香港和巴塞罗那等城市多家公司的签约模特。 尽管当时的Shay已经在模特界崭露头角,但是为了追随心中热爱的表演艺术,她不顾父母的反对只身前往加拿...