SharePoint ファームに完全にアクセスできなくなった場合、または構成データベースが破損した場合は、最新のファーム バックアップから機能を復元する必要があります。手順1: ファーム内のすべての SharePoint サーバーに新しい SQL エイリアスを作成する...
{ $_.TypeName -eq "Word Automation Services" } | Start-SPServiceInstance $was = New-SPWordConversionServiceApplication -PartitionMode -Name $wasName -ApplicationPool $saAppPool -DatabaseName $wasDBName # we cannot change the name of this proxy as there is no New-SPWordConversionService...
enter a numeric value that indicates the number of seconds that automatic password change will wait (after notifying services of a pending password change) before starting the change. Enter a numeric value that indicates the number of times a password change will be tried before the process stops...
{ $_.TypeName -eq "Word Automation Services" } | Start-SPServiceInstance $was = New-SPWordConversionServiceApplication -PartitionMode -Name $wasName -ApplicationPool $saAppPool -DatabaseName $wasDBName # we cannot change the name of this proxy as there is no New-SPWordConversionServiceApplicatio...
This setting lets you control whether the owner of a shared file can see on the file card the people who only view (and don't edit) the file in OneDrive. The file card appears when users hover over a file name or thumbnail in OneDrive. The info includes the number of views on the ...
Hello, We have a SharePoint site for our company polices. This site has a content type attached named Company Policy, which includes the file, file name, Department, Division and Policy Owner. I am trying to use the Highlighted Content webpart on a… ...
For example, SharePoint puts a web.config file in the virtual directory _layouts\mobile (which is mapped to the physical directory %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\MOBILE\). Among other things, the web.config file registers a series of ...
Need to lock a document or make a document read-only? if you're the file owner you can lock the document or make it read only. You can also see who has access, change access permissions, or simply stop sharing it. Note:You can't change the permi...
Need to lock a document or make a document read-only? if you're the file owner you can lock the document or make it read only. You can also see who has access, change access permissions, or simply stop sharing it. Note:You can't change the per...