2) SH-EP1 cell line SH-EP1细胞株 1. Aim:To establish the whole-cell recording techniques of the neuronal α4β2,α4β4,and α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors heterologously expressed in SH-EP1 cell line and discuss the electrophysiological characteristics of their open states. 目的:建立...
型。在此细胞模型观察,,,、 ,,,型受体激动对淀粉样蛋白的影响及其 机制,在机制研究的基础上,建立,,,基因启动子活性分析的方 法,以期能找到可以用于亚型特异性抗阿尔茨海默病药物高通量筛选 的细胞模型。 首先用脂质体转染的方法在已经稳定表达外源,,,基因 的,,,细胞转染,,,...
1) SH-EP1 cell line SH-EP1细胞株 1. Aim:To establish the whole-cell recording techniques of the neuronal α4β2,α4β4,and α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors heterologously expressed inSH-EP1 cell lineand discuss the electrophysiological characteristics of their open states. ...
SH-EP1细胞株1. Aim:To establish the whole-cell recording techniques of the neuronal α4β2,α4β4,and α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors heterologously expressed in SH-EP1 cell line and discuss the electrophysiological characteristics of their open states. 目的:建立SH-EP1细胞株转染表达的神经...