A Quilt Is Nice A Stitch In Dye About Sewing Creatures And Other Things That Happen Allie Anna Marie Horner Apple Cyder April Two Eighty Artsy Crafty Babe Bells Jo Chickpea Sewing Studio Cluck Cluck Sew Comfort Stitching Crazy Mom Quilts ...
Papermate Flair pens to mark the stitching lines on their quilt tops. I bought some Ultra-Fine point Flair pens* to try, and I found that the green pens really are surprisingly washable (I verified that the other colors are not washable). I would say the green Flair pens are more ...
The movie has been described as “Unforgiven[a famous Clint Eastwood Western] with sewing machines,” and seriously, fuck yeah. Kate Winslet plays an Australian woman whose small rural town turned its back on her as a child. She ended up eventually in Europe, where she worked for famed cout...
@ Kelly H. – My first thought was the same as Meghans – quilt! Basically you just cut out a 12 inch x 12 inch square from the front and the back of each t-shirt. Sew all the ‘fronts’ together to be the top of the quilt, and all the ‘backs’ together to be the back of...