Fluid therapy is not only meant to compensate intraoperative losses but should also take into account those occurring prior to surgery, induced by poor water intake, bowel preparation, major inflammation associated with a stress response, and possibly, hemorrhage. Dehydration, however, is difficult to...
I've been searching the community, and learning so much about so many things, but nothing that addresses my issue. I can't figure out what I did to mess up the borders around my footer. I had an even border around the menu, only. No border around the copyright. https://www.green...
The other side sort oftakes as defaulta state in which no Important Players are mutually invisible to one another and common-knowledge conversations are/should be easy to spin up at the push of a button, and thus my blocking policy istaking away from us allsomething that we had a collectiv...
Within this conceptual framework, it is mandatory that human data will not be used without considering animal data (a) to form a full picture of the mode of actions and (b) to take into account the thresholds of the relevant effects observed in the LRT of animals. Even if there are indi...
I've been searching the community, and learning so much about so many things, but nothing that addresses my issue. I can't figure out what I did to mess up the borders around my footer. I had an even border around the menu, only. No border around the copyright. https://www.green...
The combination of the two models is an enabler of accurate and up to date real world impacts. In this contribution, a method is proposed to assess the contribution of electric vehicles to urban air quality in Belgium, compared to conventional vehicles of the same weight class. Therefore, the...