}std::cout<<std::endl;//Find the first element greater than or equal to the current element in O(log N) time//In this case it returns 6it = myset.lower_bound(6);std::cout<< *it <<std::endl;//Find the first element greater than the current element in O(log N) time//In t...
On the way, we also show an ETH-based almost tight running time lower bound for Compact PSP, with tight (up-to \log r factor) universe size |{U}|= r\cdot \Theta (\log |\mathcal {S}|). Interestingly, we show both of these results with a single FPT reduction. In addition, we...
The performance of an ASIP on specific tasks can be higher than an instruction-set processor (because of the tuning of the architecture to the instruction mix) but it is usually lower than an ASIC. Opposite considerations apply to power consumption. The ASIP design time and nonrecurring ...
Furthermore, Raz and Safra established an approximation lower bound of for some constant c under the weaker assumption that [20]. In this paper we give new approximation upper and lower bounds for Min-DS on power law graphs. G is called a power law graph if the number of nodes of ...
Liu, C., Song, Y.: Parameterized Dominating Set Problem in Chordal Graphs: Complexity and Lower Bound. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 18(1), 87–97 (2009) MATH MathSciNetLiu Chunmei, Song Yinglei. Parameterized Dominating Set Problem in Chordal Graphs: Complexity and Lower Bound. ...
For constant VC-dimensional set systems, which are common in computational geometry, our method gives an O (log c ) approximation factor. This improves the previous Θ(log X ) bound of the greedy method and challenges recent complexity-theoretic lower bounds for set covers (which do not make...
Open-set human activity recognition based on micro-Doppler signatures, Yang Y, Hou C, Lang Y, et al. (Pattern Recognition, 2019). C2AE: Class Conditioned Auto-Encoder for Open-set Recognition, Poojan Oza, Vishal M Patel. (CVPR, 2019, oral). ...
Dictionary Values to Lower Dictionary with limited size Dictionary with string array as key and a Dictionary as value. Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> not working as expected Dictionary<String>List<String>> how do i get each individual item from the list to set it to other varib...
The MSCES problem introduced here has a lower degree of runtime complexity than the Chinese Postman Problem as the edges of the ESG are not weighted, i.e., the adjacent nodes are equidistant. In the following, we summarize results relevant to the calculation of test costs that make the tes...
Again, the main drivers of problem complexity and computation time are the number of active nodes and the size of the covering neighborhood, with larger neighborhoods leading to lower gaps and computation times as well as shorter tours. For the m-CTP, Naji-Azimi et al. (2012a) propose a ...