set-flag应该是set_flag吧!set_flag才是合法的。set_flag是意思是设置标记信息,标记一般用来标记程序运行到某一刻的状态。参考资料: 设置标记信息
于是啊,这几年逐渐流行起一个词,叫作“立flag”。 那这个词有两种含义,第一种就是指设立目标;而第二种则是乌鸦嘴的意思,表示一旦说出目标就会失败,比如“你别随便立flag啊”。那“立flag”用英语该怎么说呢?可不要直译为set flag哦。一起来看3个高频地道的表...
in的作用就是临时变量放入缓存,需要两步才能调用,步骤是先将变量用in赋值为某变量,由于临时变量不能输出,需要用实际变量名称进行输出,需要再赋值一次。本段代码中,还有一个用if 来重新构造一个变量flag,当a=1时候flag为1,这样的形式就可以构造一个新的变量。 (5)set-nobs 计总数 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次...
(default "8080") -http1.0 Use HTTP/1.0 (instead of HTTP/1.1) -httpbufferkb kbytes Size of the buffer (max data size) for the optimized HTTP client in kbytes (default 128) -httpccch Check for Connection: Close Header -https-insecure Long form of the -k flag -jitter set to true to ...
--flag:没有选项值,即 bool/flag 选项 配置文件中使用长选项格式(没有--),如verbose 点我展开所有选项 $chinadns-ng --helpusage: chinadns-ng <options...>. the existing options are as follows:-C, --config <path> format similar to the long option-b, --bind-addr <ip> listen address, de...
setOrder— Order flag 'sorted' (default) | 'stable' Order flag, specified as 'sorted' or 'stable', indicates the order of the values (or rows) in C. FlagDescription 'sorted' The values (or rows) in C return in sorted order as returned by sort. Example C = setxor([5 1 3],[4...
If the flag is set to $false, no new apps can be activated for any user in the organization. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016...
sorted in module builtins:sorted(iterable, /, *, key=None, reverse=False) Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order. A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order, and the reverse flag can be set to request the result in descending ...
Set this flag prior to creating a hot backup of a database environment. If a transaction with the bulk insert optimization enabled (with the DB_TXN_BULK flag) is in progress, setting the DB_HOTBACKUP_IN_PROGRESS flag forces a checkpoint in the environment. After this flag is set in the...
a. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty; set the house ablaze; set the machine in motion. b. To cause to begin an action: The noise set the dog to barking. c. To cause or assign (someone) to undertake an action or perform a service: The sergeant set the ...