-e 脚本中的命令一旦运行失败就终止脚本的执行 -x 用于显示出命令与其执行结果(默认shell脚本中只显示执行结果 +ex表示不终止错误,不显示结果
set-ex 1. 2. set -e的意思就是当脚本中的任何一行执行失败就退出。 set -x的意思就是打印已经成功执行的脚本,每一行前面会有一个“+”号,如: +rm-fpg_all.sqlpg_all.sql.gz 1. set +x的意思就是关闭打印日志功能。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于redis set ex px区别的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及redis set ex px区别问答内容。更多redis set ex px区别相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
BOOL SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx( [in] HANDLE hProcess, [in] SIZE_T dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, [in] SIZE_T dwMaximumWorkingSetSize, [in] DWORD Flags ); 参数[in] hProcess要设置其工作集大小的进程的句柄。句柄必须具有 PROCESS_SET_QUOTA 访问权限。 有关详细信息,请参阅 进程安全性和访问权限...
Set de extindere Morsel și aventura lui în zăpadă 1/7 Vezi tot 7+ Grupe de vârstă 567 Piese 221 Puncte LEGO® Insiders 71417 Articol Ultima șansă 339,99 lei Sold out Instrucțiuni de construcție Set de extindere super interesant cu zăpadă ...
The meaning of SWING SET is a wooden or metal structure that has swings hanging from it and that may have a slide or other things attached to it for children to play on.
此结构与 EM_SETTEXTEX 消息一起使用。 语法 C++ 复制 typedef struct _settextex { DWORD flags; UINT codepage; } SETTEXTEX; 成员 flags 类型:DWORD 选项标志。 它可以是以下标志的任何合理组合。 展开表 价值意义 ST_DEFAULT 0x00 删除撤消堆栈,放弃格式文本格式,替换所有文本。 ST_KEEPUNDO 0x...
NegoEx Negotiate Ntlm OAuth WindowsIntegrated WSSecurity You can specify multiple values separated by commas. Although you can specify any of these values, whether or not the authentication method actually works for external connections depends on other factors. For example: Is the authentication method...
ExSetResourceOwnerPointerEx 例程将执行资源的所有权从调用线程转移到所有者指针,所有者指针是标识资源所有者的系统地址。
Open theExSwiftproject folder, and dragExSwiftsub folder with source code into the file navigator of your Xcode project. Make sure you select add to target Use it components.takeFirst(){$0.completed} Contents Extensions Array Examples in theWiki ...