Building Our Faith on the Foundation of Christ 2 Peter 1:1–4 Neville Buchanan 3/12/2023 The Goal of the Christian Life Phil.3:10-11 Neville Buchanan 3/05/2023 How do I become a Christian? John 1:1 Neville Buchanan 2/25/2023 The Bible’s Boon for B-coming like the Beloved Son ...
20 The Providence of God and the Existence of Evil Voddie Baucham|Semper Reformanda 2021 Grace Family Baptist Church470+ downloads 15 19 A Testimony to Scripture’s Sufficiency (TMU... Pastor John MacArthur Grace to You470+ downloads
Thomson John 12:3 The Desire to See Jesus J.R. Thomson John 12:21 The Hour of Glory J.R. Thomson John 12:23 Death and Fruitfulness J.R. Thomson John 12:24 Service and Reward J.R. Thomson John 12:26 The Soul-Conflict of Christ J.R. Thomson John 12:27, 28 Divine Attraction J...
- John 1:(1-9) 10-18Gifts of Thanksgivingby Richard Gribble, CSC1. Thanksgiving Means Giving-1 Thessalonians 3:9-132. Jesus - The Leader of Our Team-Philippians 1:3-113. Rejoicing Brings Peace-Philippians 4:4-74. Obedience: Our Gift to Jesus-Hebrews 10:5-105. Leading Others to Jes...
Consider the modern expression of American Christianity with what Jesus says in John 14:12. They couldn’t be more different. Once you walk on the water with Jesus, you never want to go back to the boat with its rotting fish heads, sea water, and rocking and rolling. Matthew 14: 29 ...
The Fire on the Shore H. Melvill, B. D. John 21:9-11 Christianity Diffused by the Apostles H. Melvill. Acts 1:8 The Subserviency of Crime to the Purposes of God H. Melvill, B. D. Acts 1:16-20 The Guilt of Unbelief H. Melvill, B. D. Acts 3:16-17 Moses, a Type of Chr...
Neither do I pray for these alone [the apostles], but for them also who shall believe on Me through their message (John 17:20). How do we believe in Jesus Christ today? We didn’t see Him in person; we didn’t walk with Him or see His resurrected form ascend into heaven. No, ...
(John R. Rice, D.D.,The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning,Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1961, 第 123, 124, 125页)。 许多教会成员对得人的工作无动于衷,这令世人把他们视为伪君子。世人的感受是:"如果这些虔诚的人相信他们所传的,那么他们就应该付出更多的努力去争取人们作基督徒。
Introduction to Epistles of John: Assurance and Evidence of Eternal LifePDF Introduction to Jude: Contend EarnestlyPDF Introduction to Revelation: Behold I Come QuicklyPDF Introduction to Philemon: Postcard on ForgivenessPDF Acts Time LineChronological chart of Acts of the Apostles and Paul's Epistles...
Jews’ corruption by and preoccupation with money, Jews’ 1 On the Passion and the development of ideas about the role of the Jews in Jesus’ death, see William Nicholls, Christian Antisemitism: A History of Hate (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1995); John Dominic Crossan, Who Killed Jesus...