"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). More Free Christmas Sermons provides … [Read More...] about More Free Christmas Sermons Free Christmas Sermons The Christmas sermon primarily focuses on the Christmas story - a ...
Matthew 9:9-13; 18-26 Children’s Sermon Object Lesson on the Miracles of Jesus Children’s Sermon Object Lesson: Ascension of Jesus (Luke 24:44-53 and Acts 1:1-11) The Hope of Easter: Children’s Sermon Lesson on The Resurrection of Jesus from John 20:1-18 Don’t Miss Jesus! Lu...
“Ezekiel 8–9: Those Who Sigh and Groan.”Sermon atKauno LKB, May 15, 2022. “Ezekiel 11:14–25: ‘I Have Been a Sanctuary.'”Sermon forFirst Presbyterian Church of Mount Holly, NJ, April 26, 2020. Mini-series on Ezekiel 20atKlaipėdos Laisvųjų Krikščionių Bažnyčia...
The apostle Paul founded the church in Philippi on his second missionary journey in AD 49. In Acts 16, it tells us that Paul shared the gospel with a group of women (16:13). Lydia heard the gospel and she became a Christian. Lydia was Paul‟s first convert in Philippi. Later a ...
Our two texts today are from the early parts of the book of Acts. This is the time after Easter when the early church started to form. Our first text was the literal founding of the church in Jerusalem. And our main text today features Jesus’ final words on earth before he went to ...
Acts 1:9-11 Ascension of Jesus ChristPDF Acts 2:22 Christ is Alive!PDF Acts 8:25-40 Philip - the Lay EvangelistPDF Acts 16:6-15, 40 Lydia: A Woman with an Open HeartPDF Acts 16:16-34 Songs in the NightPDF Acts 26:1-32 Paul's Apologia before Herod Agrippa IIPDF ...
“Fear God More than Man” • 1st Samuel 16 & Acts 9 – Brother Jonah Lowrance. As children of God, we have the responsibility to make good choices in our discipleship. Part of those choices includes how we deal with the power of men and the power of God. When we fear men more ...
Acts 2:1-4 —“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest o...
the church in Jerusalem that was born when the Holy Spirit indwelt the first followers of Jesus on the day of Pentecost.We will dive into Acts 2:37-41 to see how Jesus was building His church Deep and Wide from the very beginning.Join us in our 8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 services for...
D. John 21:9-11 Christianity Diffused by the Apostles H. Melvill. Acts 1:8 The Subserviency of Crime to the Purposes of God H. Melvill, B. D. Acts 1:16-20 The Guilt of Unbelief H. Melvill, B. D. Acts 3:16-17 Moses, a Type of Christ H. Melvill, B. D. Acts 7:37 ...