Jesus submitted to John at Baptism. Why did he need to do so to “fulfill all righteousness”? How are we to honor one another? What do biblical humility and submission look like? Introduction to the Deliverance Ministry ByjefferisMarch 22, 2023Leave a comment ...
Good News: Children’s Sermon on Mark 1:1-8 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus Short Sermons for Kids about God Children’s Sermon Object Lesson: Psalm 121 Trusting in God Children’s Sermon ⛰️Elijah Hears God’s Whispers from 1 Kings 19:1-15 St Patrick’s Object Lesson...
15 19 A Testimony to Scripture’s Sufficiency (TMU... Pastor John MacArthur Grace to You470+ downloads 16 39 Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places -... Kevin Swanson Generations Radio460+ downloads 17 24 What he must be if he wants to marry my daughter ...
We need to venture out of the hermetically sealed worlds we too often construct for ourselves and learn more about the people with whom we live – particularly those whose day-to-day reality is fundamentally different from our own. Earlier this month, I read an article by a German journalist...
"Why John Wayne Went to Hell" 10 - 20 - 2013 PM "The Christ of the Cross" 10 - 20 - 2013 AM "Lost Church Members and Sheep Stealing Preachers" (The Churches of the Last Days - Part II) 10 - 19 - 2013 PM "A Warning About the Rapture" 10 - 13 - 2013 AM "Why Churches are...
Passages: John 6:37-39; Romans 8:28-31; John 15; John 17; Ephesians 1:7ff. From the Synod of Dort’s “Synodical Letter”: “The Synod has declared that the Remonstrants have brought out of hell the Pelagian error, which teaches that man can, by his own strength, either resist ...
Eversley, third Sunday after Easter. 1862. St John xvi. 16. "A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." Divines differ, and, perhaps, have always differed, about the meaning of these words. Some think ...
We see this in Saul, 1 Samuel 13:11, 12; 1 Samuel 15:15; John 12:5, 6. Judas pretended the poor and his great care of them; albeit he cared not for them, but for himself. 1. For men are affected to their actions as they are to themselves. Though they be corrupt, yet they...
(Democrats Boo 'God' and 'Jerusalem' - What Can We Do About It? - Sermon #64 on the Book of Genesis) 2012 - 09 - 09 PM 急劇成長中的教會! (An Exploding Church!) 2012 - 09 - 09 AM 我從萊斯博士身上學到的事情(Things I Learned From Dr. John R. Rice) 2012 - 09 - 02 PM...
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) October 15, 2013 at 3:16 pm Dear Sir, I am a pastor serving at a Baptist church that worships on the Sabbath day. I came upon one of your videos ‘Nearer, My God, to Thee’ and would like our congregation to hear it. ...