- John Gill - Genesis Righteousness, Judgment, & Equity 42:05 Ken Wimer • 5/6/18 100+ Shreveport Grace Church - The Book of Proverbs The Route to Salvation 34:44 Pastor Jon Johnson • 1/28/18 Community Bible Church - 1 Timothy The Decree of God 30:00 Ken...
This could easily be converted into a sermon for kids, or an object lesson for youth on “answered prayer.” Collect a bunch of postcards and write prayers to God on them. “Dear God… A Prayer… then sign it with a name. Then in another box have deliveries that match the different r...
this day, "On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided" (Genesis 22:13-14). This offering points to Christ, to the Incarnate Son of God Whom God the Father would send to be that Substitute. "For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Centuries later, the...
The Lord's Supper Points to the Finished Work of Jesus on the Cross 15:50 Scott Kamps • 3/17/24 Grace Fellowship Baptist - Children's Sermons God's Bow, A Covenant @ The Intersection of Judgement & Peace - Genesis 8:20-9:17 53:46 Pastor Matt Zodrow • 3/17/24 Living Vine...
II. Two points are held up for imitation in the blessed dead. The one is that by which they first obtained an interest in the promises, and the other is that by which they carried it on, "faith and patience." Do you ask me how these glorified ones have travelled so well, and arriv...
It means “House of the Book” and in Bet Sefer, kids ages 6-10 were tasked to learn the Torah, the first five books of our Bible, from Genesis to Deuteronomy. And when I say learned, I mean really they had to memorize it. All of it. If we had to memorize the begats or all ...
"Teleioshas the meaning 'having attained the end (telos) or aim'; if anything has fully attained that for which it is designed, it is perfect. It can refer to the maturity of an adult man -- the end or aim of that to which the boy points."9 ...
But there are points of view which may be gained from Rabbinic writings, helpful to the understanding of the Sermon on the Mount,' although not of its spirit. Some of these may here be mentioned. Thus, when[2553]we read that not one jot or title shall pass from the Law, ...
Preaching reconciliation : a study of the narratives in Genesis 37-50 In addition, the study examines how these phenomena may be engaged with through the technique of using narratives to create points of identification, narratives as imageries to shape imagination, and narratives as sermon illustratio...
" a definite commandment where Jehovah specified His will and demanded that His people should render a tenth of all their increase unto Him; and yet as we take up the book of Genesis we cannot account for what is there, unless we presuppose a previous revelation of God's mind and a ...