37:59 Bob Grass • 11/19/23 Living Word Bible Church - Mark Leaving Christ’s Work Finished 48:51 Patrick Hines • 9/3/23 200+ Bridwell Heights Presbyterian - John's Gospel The Significance of the Wine of Christ 55:37 Chazz Anderson • 6/26/22 100+ Calvary Bible Church - ...
"They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn—for he has done it."Ps 22:31which corresponds to one of Jesus' last words on the cross, ""It is finished!"John 19:30b Finally inLuke 23:46Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit...
In many ways, it feels as though we've been walking on water for the past 24 years, endeavoring to keep our eyes on the Lord. More information Continuous Playback with Auto-Play We’re thrilled to announce our Auto-Play feature which will automatically proceed to the next sermon in a...
#1 Sermon on Sermon Maker When faced with the sacred responsibility of honoring a life, it’s essential to have a message that not only comforts but also inspires. With this sermon, you get a thoughtful, biblically grounded framework to lead a funeral service with confidence and grace. Funeral...
Loving the sermon: even when you hate it.(Opinion)(Essay)McTavish, John
Providence Reformed Church - Gospel of John The witch of Endor pt4 27:53 Dennis Sampson • 2/14/23 Digging in the Word Ministries - 撒母以勒之第一書 28:14-19 "It Is Finished" 38:03 Jim Newcomer • 2/12/23 Calvary Baptist Church - Seven Sayings From the Cross Hath God Sa...
The same is true throughout church history. Some of the sermons of John Chrysostom and Augustine (both born in the mid-4th century) were likely preached in about 30 minutes, though some might have gone on for close to two hours. But as the period of the Early Church Fathers came to a...
The translation as ‘soldiers’ is taken from John 19:23.9 ODa. “wsyd” literally means ‘unsewn, unstitched’; cf. Lat. inconsulitis. 4 A Sermon for Good Friday 595you shall be a help and service to her however you can.” From that moment on, St John took her into his care ...
44:48 Rod Mitchell • 11/30/21 100+ Sovereign Grace Reformed - God's Redemptive Plan The Glorious Person and Finished Work of Christ 29:48 Bill Parker • 2/3/19 700+ Eager Avenue Grace Church - 使徒保羅與希百耳輩書 1:1-3 Triumphing Over Trials pt 2 39:45 Dr. Dennis Leathe...
I think this is what Paul meant when he told us to “pray continually “ (1 Thessalonians 5:17).Jesus could announce that everything He did (John 5:19) and everything He said (John 12:49) was directed by the Father.We can live like this too, if we will only make prayer the ...