Contributed byPat Damianion Mar 30, 2020 (rate this sermon) | 14,699 views Scripture:Acts 16:16-34 Denomination:Baptist Summary:The example of Paul and Silas in jail reveals how the disciples of Jesus are to respond in a crisis.
Yes, but in the scope of religious practices it makes sense completely. It is due to their biological implications that they can't perform those acts. But again, what about the deficiency arising from it? Will it have no effect on the being? It will definitely have an effect. Though...
The Sermon on the Mount is the title commonly given to the collection of sayings recorded inMatthew 5-7and inLuke 6:20-49. The latter is sometimes called the Sermon on the Plain from the fact that it is said to have been delivered on a level space somewhere on the descent of the mou...
广播公司 演讲嘉宾 系列 网络广播 消息 最近评论 收音机 赞美诗和圣咏 每日灵修 教堂搜索 促销工具 网站地图 收音机 广播电台 全天候流媒体 从现在起永远这样做 00:00 00:01 Confronted by the Resurrection - Acts 17:16-34 系列Topical 书签 推动
All the while Jesus was hanging on the cross, he was not idle. He always did something that could lead all people to salvation or good teaching. He spoke seven sayings16 at this time that are also described in the Holy Scripture and the Passion. The first was that he prayed to God ...
Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) Luke's Gospel John's Gospel Seven Last Words of Christ Parables Jesus and the Kingdom of God Resurrection and Easter Faith Apostle Peter Acts Early Church (Acts 1-12) Apostle Paul (Acts 11-28) Pauline Epistles Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life) 1 Corinthian...
We trust the fruit of their labour will be multiplied as you pass it on to your own congregations. Thanks so much for the Bible-teaching articles in Creation magazine. I’ve used several of them now as sermons to my congregation—keeps them ‘primed’ for when you next visit!
40:19 Pastor Rudy Poettcker • 10/16/22 King's Reformed Presbyterian - 使徒行傳 2:37-41 Irresistible Grace/Determinism... Is Either True? Here's a different take on this 1:07:19 Stephen A. Chronister • 9/25/22 500+ Cliffside Community Chapel - The Book of Joel City on ...
Posted on June 27, 2022 May 22nd – 6th Sunday of Easter – Dreams not Beans – Acts 16:9-15 In 1682 the entire village of Runswick, England, slid into the sea. It was crazy! The entire town was gone. The entire town disappeared in an instant. Here’s the strange thing. Not a...
Canons of Dort Part 16 37:34 Chip Byrd • 3/20/22 Redeemer Presbyterian Church - Canons of Dort The Ephesian Pentecost 38:00 Brian De Jong • 10/24/21 Grace Orthodox Presbyterian - Acts Jesus: The Word 34:38 Allen Holmes • 10/6/21 Harvest Baptist Temple - 若翰傳福音之書...