It's as relevant to the person in the corner office in New York City as it was relevant to the villager that stumbled upon that Hill that day. Jesus says, "Do you want to be happy? Well, here's how you can be happy. You will be blessed if..." And that's what the beatitudes...
Even as Christ was purchasing our forgiveness and our liberty to live righteously under His leadership, He was setting us an example of how to live righteously when suffering for doing good. 讲道编号 926212356557049 期间 53:59 日期 Sep 26, 2021 类别 周日- 上午 圣经文本 使徒彼多羅之第一...
One of those he named was Jesus Christ. When questioned as to what he would have asked Him, Larry King said, "I would like to ask Him if He was indeed virgin born, because the answer to that question would define history" (quote from Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God?, p. ...