SerDes Toolbox™ provides a MATLAB®and Simulink®model library and a set of analysis tools and apps for the design and verification of serializer/deserializer (SerDes) systems or high-speed memory PHYs such as DDR5. These models include modulation schemes, such as NRZ, PAM3, PAM4, PAM...
通过MATLAB®函数块和SerDes Toolbox中的AMI模型,我们能够创建一个新的AMI参数控制接口。这些自定义的tap值可以是动态计算得到的,也可以根据实际的信道噪声、信号衰减等因素进行调节。比如,对于一个高频、长距离的信号传输链路,前置tap可能需要增加更多的增益,而后置tap则可能需要较少的增益以避免过度均衡,导致信号畸变。
SerDes Toolbox provides equalization algorithms and parametrized blocks to design high-speed digital interconnect systems and develop IBIS-AMI models.
Requires Signal Processing Toolbox Simulink required for IBIS-AMI model generation RF Toolbox required for using S-parameter data to specify channel characteristics Signal Integrity Toolbox recommended for statistical and time domain analysis of IBIS-AMI models Eligible for Use with MATLAB Compiler and ...
openProject('serdes_ctle_proj'); Create SerDes Simulink Model Using SerDes Toolbox To create a design from SerDes Designer, export it to a Simulink model, and configure it for simulation follow these steps. Create and Export SerDes Design to Simulink Open the SerDes Designer app....
matlab开发-Serdestoolbox接口用于软件qc和qs软件。SerDes工具箱™提供的SiSoft QCD/QSI支持 环境和设置2019-11-17 上传大小:15KB 所需:42积分/C币 matlab开发-matlabtomysql接口 matlab开发-matlabtomysql接口。使用PHP脚本的Matlab到MySQL接口 上传者:weixin_38743481时间:2019-11-14 ...
通过MATLAB®函数块和SerDes Toolbox中的AMI模型,我们能够创建一个新的AMI参数控制接口。这些自定义的tap值可以是动态计算得到的,也可以根据实际的信道噪声、信号衰减等因素进行调节。比如,对于一个高频、长距离的信号传输链路,前置tap可能需要增加更多的增益,而后置tap则可能需要较少的增益以避免过度均衡,导致信号畸变...
SerDes Toolbox provides a MATLAB and Simulink model library and a set of analysis tools and apps for the design and verification of serializer/deserializer (SerDes) systems or high-speed memory PHYs such as DDR5.
This example shows how to customize the control signals in a SerDes system datapath by adding new custom AMI parameters and using MATLAB® function blocks. This allows you to customize existing control parameters without modifying the built-in blocks in the SerDes Toolbox™ library....
This example uses: Mixed-Signal Blockset SerDes ToolboxCopy Code Copy CommandThis example shows how to create detailed models of different types of serial channel clock recovery loops such as Alexander (bang-bang), Meuller-Muller, and Hogg & Chu.Clock...