Sentinel-2 数据的冬小麦地上干生物量估算及评价[ J] . 遥感学报ꎬ2017ꎬ21(2) :318-328. Zheng YꎬWu B FꎬZhang M. Estimating the above ground biomass of winter wheat using the Sentinel~2 data[ J] . Journal of Remote Sensingꎬ 2017ꎬ21(2) :318-328( in Chinese with English...
Sentinel-2 数据的冬小麦地上干生物量估算及评价[ J] . 遥感学报ꎬ2017ꎬ21(2) :318-328. Zheng YꎬWu B FꎬZhang M. Estimating the above ground biomass of winter wheat using the Sentinel~2 data[ J] . Journal of Remote Sensingꎬ 2017ꎬ21(2) :318-328( in Chinese with English...