(1)名词词组(Noun Phrase)以名词为中心词: (限定词)+(前置修饰语)+名词+(后置修饰语)【可以只由一个名词构成,也可能带有限定词与修饰语】 (2)动词词组(Verb Phrase)以主动词【(Main Verb)如work,give,make,take,talk】为中心词: Shelookspale. (可能只包括一个主动词或主动词带修饰语) Itis gettingdark...
The meaning of SENTENCE is a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins wi
The meaning of SENTENCE is a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins wi
1.1.1FormulaofthebasicEnglishsentencestructures:SNP+VP(SentenceNounPhrase+VerbPhrase) 1.1.2NounphraseandverbphraseNPDet+NAnounphraseisformedby“Determiner+Noun”.Thenounistheheadwordofanounphrase.VPAux+VAverbphraseisformedby“Aux.+V”.Theverbistheheadwordofaverbphrase,andthe“...
Noun Clauses|名词性从句|Advanced English Grammar Noun Clauses 18:30 名词性从句|Noun Clauses and How To Use Them 21:41 名词性从句|NOUN CLAUSES in 3 simple steps test wh subject verb|Arnel 18:51 名词性从句|Noun Clauses in English Grammar and How to Use Them|Writing Better 10:39 ...
(ˈsentəns) noun 1. a number of words forming a complete statement. `I want it', and `Give it to me!' are sentences.frase 2. a punishment imposed by a lawcourt. a sentence of three years' imprisonment; He is under sentence of death.sentencia verb (usually with to) to condem...
• Structure: (You) + Verb (+ Object) Example: Close the door, please. 4. Exclamatory Sentences:感叹句 • Structure: What/How + Adjective/Adverb + Subject + Verb (+ Object) Example: What a beautiful sunset! Sentence Forms:简单句、复合句、复杂句、复合复杂句 ...
verb transitive verb to impose a sentence on to cause to suffer something sentenced these most primitive cultures to extinction—E. W. Count sentence同义词 n. [语][计]句子,命题;[法]宣判,判决 award,proposition vt. 判决,[法]宣判 determine,adjudge ...
action verb 指的是“动作动词”,不管是 physical action 身体上看的见的动作,还是 mental action 脑袋里看不见的动作。action verb里面有包括了vt.及物动词和 vi.不及物动词。 比方说: S+V 句型 · Iread. · Theywork. · Sheeats. · My friend and Ifantasize. ...
phrase •••••NounphrasePronominalphraseAdjectivephraseAdverbphrasePrepositionalphrase•Numeralphrase•VerbphraseA:finiteverbphraseB:nonfiniteverbphrasea:infinitiveb:-ingparticiplec:-enparticiple Clause •Coordinateclause•Subordinateclausea:subjectclauseb:predicativec:objectd:appositivee:complementf:...